Rogue Declan Zero, Amiga

A challenging, procedurally generated, roguelite twin-stick shooter for the Classic Amiga platform!

The wizards have been at it again, and this time they’ve accidentally opened Hell Portals under the castle! Now it’s up to you, brave, brave Sir Declan, to delve into each procedurally generated castle dungeon and find enough magical shards to access and close its portal.


Minimum System Requirements
Classic Amiga OCS, Kickstart 1.3+, 512Kb Chip RAM, 512Kb Other RAM

Download: Rogue Declan Zero 1.01

Giana Power Edition 2023

Giana Sisters with 16 New Levels, and loads of trainers. Have fun!

Released by: Who Cares
Release Date: 15 September 2023
Download: wc-gianapowered!.d64
Source: CSDb

Ooze: The Escape, Amiga Version Updated.

In this first patch of the game, the difficulty has been tweaked on some of the harder areas of the map. There is also a couple of minor tile changes.


Doomed PETSCII Pacman, Commodore 64

Who said that life is fair? You will be chased by 6 ghosts very quickly. You’ve got six lives and three mines, but I’m sure it won’t be enough.. Eating power pellets can have terrible effects, but is needed to level up. Have you got what it takes to be a champion? Download Doomed PETSCII Pacman now!

Download: Doomed PETSCII Pacman
Source: CSDb

Colodrio, A New Plus/4 Game released at Function 2023

Colodrio is a new Plus/4 puzzle game where you sort tiles by colours and brightness. It was recently released at Function 2023, a game development competition. More details here:

Download: Colodrio

Super 8 Football for the Commodore 64 Released!

Super 8 Football is an American football game using real NFL teams and players. There are 8 playoff teams from last season made up of 16 players with 8 on both offense and defense. The game requires two players. Download and more info here:

RetroGamerNation C64 Round Up: September 2023. Latest News, Gfx and Games!

RetroGamerNation recently dropped their latest C64 round up video for September. There are some fantastic games reviewed in this video including Paw Noir, Lancess Priya, Bill & Ted, Psst and Fizz, as well as many more! Click play and enjoy.

YouTube: RetroGamerNation
Source: RetroGamerNation

All Aboard! The Last Train to Tranz-Central, ZX Spectrum

Who doesn't love a free game? A free game with TRAINS in SPACE? (Cue Tim Curry SPAAAAACE). The game I will gush about today is an excellent freebie from Quantum Sheep, a talented coder of what I always like to call 'New Retro'. 

I enjoy waxing nostalgic about the classics (and not so classics!) of yesteryear, but it's always important to remember that there's a flourishing scene of new games for old machines and consoles. There are heaps of new games to try before reaching for Jet Set Willy or Skool Daze for the umpteenth time.

Read more »

Pastfinder, Commodore 64

Well. Come. Back.

Back in time, my friends, to 1984, or should we say 8878? No - I was right the first time: 1984. A plucky chap, way back when created a game on one of the Atari 8-Bit computers called Explorer. Activision got hold of it and said - no chance - we're calling it PASTFINDER. Also, get someone to port it to the C64 – because we’re selling shed loads of them. And lo - they did.

David Lubar’s “Pastfinder” is an absolute gem of a game. Reviewed in the very first edition of Zzap64 it scored some 86% (it was reviewed many years later when released on Mastertronic’s MAD budget label and clocked up a whopping 93% - which is much more fitting!) earning itself a Sizzler to boot. It’s bloody brilliant. Bloody difficult. Bloody bonkers. But bloody brilliant.

A key contributing factor to this is simply the gameplay – it is so, so, so simple. Though, the background and actual thread of what you have to do always felt way more complicated in the 80s – I’m still not quite sure now. But the way your Pastfinder craft moves, with its vaguely arachnid-esque leg movements and stunning spinning horizontal movement - delightful; the frankly very basic, but excellently-designed planet surfaces and colour combos are interesting and some are dynamic: with moving parts causing terrain obstacles and forcing erratic avoidances; the limited SFX and repetitive noises – all add up to a cracking computer game steeped in that heavy metal / radiation / future gone tits up vibe. It is delicious.

Outrun on the Commodore 64

Well. Come. Back.

Nothing makes this man go moist as much as hearing some decent retro-gaming music played out of a tri-channelled sound chip called SID. Wotcha!

"Splash Wave" and "Magical Sound Shower" are arguably (is anything not "arguably" nowadays?) two of the most well-known video game slices of aural delight out there and indeed, so is "Passing Breeze" which was scurrilously omitted from the C64 conversion. Sam is forever aggrieved.

We all likely recall seeing for the first time that huge arcade cabinet grounded on the barking mad arcade carpet and thinking - they've got an actual Ferrari in here!?!?!? I also remember never playing it, because it was 50p a go and not 10p a go (like Roadblasters or Bubble Bobble was), but I sure spent a good few minutes stood there standing, watching some other kid failing miserably at this glorious-looking SEGA racer.

Isometric Adventures in Sherwood - The Adventures of Robin Hood, Commodore Amiga

You may have seen the name in big lists of Amiga games. The Adventures of Robin Hood. It'll be some sort of Codemasters-alike platformer, you might think to yourself as you pass on by, thinking back to the likes of Super Robin Hood or Leander. But no, this is absolutely not a game in the classic Amiga library that you should be passing up on - and it's surprisingly revolutionary. 

Not strictly an Amiga game, The Adventures of Robin Hood was published by Millennium in 1991. It casts you as the eponymous heroic outlaw of legend, who has been kicked out of his castle by the villainous Sheriff of Nottingham and begins his new adventures having a bit of a mope by the castle walls. 

One thing you might have noticed about the Robin on the cover is that he seems to be a slightly odd fusion of Errol Flynn's Robin Hood in appearance and posed like Kevin Costner in the then-recently released Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves movie. 

Alan Rickman was so good in that, wasn't he?

Backup of Vitno Game Reviews Begins

So, as promised, the backup of written reviews from Vintage is the New Old has begun. This is something that will take quite some time. Some reviews are old and have dead links, broken video etc, which I will edit and update before they get the ok to be shared again on CommodoreBlog.

Currently we have two new (old) reviews by Alec, Pets Rescue for the C16/Plus/4 and also Nixy The Glade Sprite which is a ZX Spectrum game. Why are we sharing ZX Spectrum stuff on CommodoreBlog, I hear you scream! Well these reviews are just too good to lose and although CommodoreBlog is technically a Commodore website, just like the Twitter account, we occasionally like to share News and such about various other platforms. I am particularly fond of ZX Spectrum, Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, Amstrad and MSX, so don't be too surprised to see these formats pop up now and then here. It's my blog, there are no rules! I have also added a few Amiga and Speccy reviews by yours truly. You can find them over on the Reviews page.


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