Showing posts with label Excess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Excess. Show all posts

Classic Top Down Action Game Tower of Evil Released for the Commodore 64!

Tower of Evil, originally a game for the C16/Plus/4, Vic-20 and ZX Spectrum was released by Excess today for the Commodore 64.

You play the role of Andros who was banished years ago by King Salimos and can only return when he returns kidnapped Princess Diana and the King's lost treasure taken by an evil Necromancer. You have journeyed to the Necromancer's home, The Tower of Evil to retrieve the stolen treasure and Princess Diana in this top view flick-screen game. Starting on the ground floor, you must search the rooms looking for treasure and a key to use a magic stairway to move up a floor to finally reach the seventh floor where the Princess is.

Occupying each floor are various creatures that need to be avoided or shot with fireballs from your fingertips and if you touch a creature then you lose one of five lives but a goblet will give you invincibility for a limited time. Once you reach the seventh floor you must find a chest to place the treasure in before finding and rescuing the Princess who will disappear and you have to start the whole quest again. Two players can play and each player takes it in turns to play when the other player is killed.

Download: Tower of Evil+2HDG [EX].d64
Source: CSDb


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