Showing posts with label Amiga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amiga. Show all posts

Ami-H.E.R.O. Amiga

H.E.R.O. (Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation) is a video game designed by John Van Ryzin and published by Activision for the Atari 2600 in March 1984. Ami-H.E.R.O. is inspired by Activision's version from the Atari 2600/XL, C64 and ColecoVision. Download it here:

BestClassicWB v2.0 for OS3.2

BestClassicWB v2.0.4 is an expansion pack that aims to bring the ClassicWB look to OS3.2.1.

It adds the GlowIcons found in ClassicWB, as well as some extra programs, tools, utilities, and datatypes.

It is suitable for 020+ and AGA chipset (or similar UAE setup).
You'll need a clean OS3.2.1 installation, after extracting the .lha file double click the BCWB icon to start.

Previous versions:
- BestClassicWB v2.0.3 for OS 3.2

Source: English Amiga Board

Robocop AGA Work in Progress, Commodore Amiga

Way back in early October 2021, Daniel Allsopp started work on an Amiga AGA version of the classic Amiga game Robocop. The engine runs in 64 colours, utilising 64 pixel wide sprites for the background parallax on level 1, and a 4x fetch mode. Graphics were converted from the arcade originals, and reduced down with Paint and Photoshop into various banks of 16 colours. Daniel recently shared his latest update, and it's looking amazing. As this is an ongoing work in progress project, there is no download, and it will be a long time before any kind of official release. However, you can follow Daniels progress from the thread on the English Amiga Board.

Latest Updates
-Palette Optimisations
-Optimised RoboCop Sprites
-RoboCop Animations
-Reworked HUD
-Working Game Options
-Player Input
-Investigation 304
-Blacker Than Black Fixes

Spheroid, A New Puzzle Game for the Commodore Amiga

Spheroid is a puzzle game for the Commodore Amiga in which you guide a metal sphere around a maze of tiles towards the exit tile, within a time limit and set number of moves. The maze is comprised of various hazards and tile types, each having a different effect on the metal sphere. There are 50 levels to solve.


Castlevania AGA, Commodore Amiga

A remake of the 1986 original but with visuals inspired by Castlevania Chronicles and other non-8 bit titles in the series.  The  goal was to provide a playable and pure version of the original Castlevania but with an Amiga flavour. Not a port of the Sharp X68000 or PlayStation "Castlevania Chronicles" game, it only happens to use many level tiles and sprites from that game because it's a practical rendition of how OG Castlevania would look in 16-bit or 32-bit. For the Sharp X68000/Castlevania Chronicles Amiga project check this developer.

Download: CastlevaniaAGA.lha

Terryble Knight Amiga Demo using Redpill Game Engine

Terryble Knight is an Action and platform videogame where you control a Knight fighting against Zombies. It is a demo project for the Redpill Amiga game creator. The game is based on the Godot example project by Ansimuz. It uses Ansimuz gfx and contains two tracks by Fireb0y. Requirements, an AGA Amiga. Tested on an Amiga 1200 + 4MB RAM.

Download: TerrybleKnightDemo.lha
Source: aminet

Hyperborea Resurrected, Real Bullet Hell for Stock Amiga 1200

Hyperborea Resurrected is a new shoot em-up for the Amiga 1200. Currently two people are working on the game, Daniel Müßener and Torben B. Larsen (the original graphician and designer of classic Amiga 500 titles such as Hybris and Battle Squadron). Together they have been working really hard on this game. So far their work in progress video is up to version three, which you can take a look at over on their YouTube channel. There is no demo download, still early days, but you can keep up to date with further progress on the forum thread on the English Amiga Boards.

MeetBall is a multiplayer bat & ball game, although you can play solo too.
Honestly though, playing solo isn't fun. It's called MeetBall for a reason.

- 1-4 simultaneous players
- Supports joystick(s) with parallelport adapter or keyboard (see FAQ)
- Timerbased brickdrops
- In-game "shop"

Initial ball speed is affected by the number of players but can be customized.

Download here:

The Chaos Engine on the Commodore 64? New Video!

A while back we shared some interesting News regarding a work in progress demo of The Chaos Engine for the Commodore 64. To be honest though, this could be just proof of what is possible on the humble Commodore 64. The coder (Marv) so far, has never mentioned that it will ever become a full game, but we can only hope! Marv recently shared his latest video showing shooting recoil effects, just like the original game! It's certainly an impressive achievement so far, let's hope there's more to come!

Codemasters Stuntman Seymour for Amiga recovered

1993 Codemasters Amiga game Stuntman Seymour has been recovered. The full game is now available to download in various formats including floppy .adf and WHDLoad. Head over to to read more information about the game and how it was found after all these years.


Amiga Game Roguecraft from Badger Punch Games Close to Release

Ricki Sickenger from Badger Punch Games recently announced on Twitter that their latest Amiga game is very close to being released. If you’re not familiar with Badger Punch Games, they are responsible for the excellent Rogue64 on the Commodore 64, and the new enhanced Amiga version is looking absolutely gorgeous!

Roguecraft is a modern turn-based rogue-like focused on simplicity and fun. It is a dungeon crawler where each play-through is a unique experience. As you progress in the game you will combat meaner monsters and tougher challenges. You only have one life, so you have to be careful, but if you reach the end there are wonderful rewards to be gathered! Roguecraft is currently under development for the Commodore Amiga, with other platforms to follow.

Download: Rogue64
Download Amiga Demo:

Robot Jet Action 2, Amiga

Robot Jet Action 2 is a continuation of the C64 hit game and this time the game is aimed for the Amiga range of computers. Expect more colours, more robots and more action!

The release plans, dates and more details will be announced early 2024.
While waiting for this new Amiga game you can play original Robot Jet Action for the Commodore 64 here: The development of the game can be followed at: You can also follow the YouTube channel here: retronavigator.

Super Bagman Arcade to Amiga Conversion Released!

Early November Vitno website shared News Jotd was working on Super Bagman, an Arcade to Amiga conversion. We have some great News for you today, the game has been released and you can download it here:

Super Bagman, a Labyrinth/Maze Arcade game from 1984 by Stern Electronics. Your character is a robber. Run around a mine collecting moneybags and depositing them in a wheelbarrow at the top of the screen. Climb ladders and ride elevators to avoid two angry miners. Grab pickaxes and other objects to temporarily stun your pursuers.

Here’s what Jotd had to say. Game is pretty complete by now with music by no9 (great conversions as always!) and a “very easy” mode which is default and allows the game to be playable. Arcade mode is also available, along with a lot of trainer options.

Abbey(s) of the Dead, Amiga

13th Century the Cathars were being expelled by the Catholic Church out of the Languedoc. Jean & Joan Raymond run to escape the crusaders, an abandoned church seems welcoming. This demo game comes as an .adf file usable on the Amiga (PAL) home computer. Requires minimum 1MB RAM (512KB/512KB or 1MB). The demo version gives you a limited area to explore on the original map with infinite lives. The full game release is expected by the end of November this year. Download:

Emerald Caves, A New Emerald Mine Clone with 64 Brand New Levels for your Amiga!

Emerald Mine is a 1987 puzzle video game developed and published for Amiga and Atari ST by Kingsoft. The series follows mines filled with various gems, such as emeralds. It is a Boulder Dash clone in which the player completes levels by collecting a specific amount of gems before reaching the exit. Emerald Mine was Kingsoft’s best-selling title with reviews generally favourable, and spawned several sequels.

Emerald Caves is an Emerald Mine clone, a nod to the past and features 64 brand new levels to test your skills. Challenging but fun! Emerald Caves is available for OCS and AGA Amiga.
Grab the download here: EmeraldCaves.adf

Robot Jet Action C64 Game Coming to Amiga

It’s been over a year since Robot Jet Action was released on the Commodore 64. Retronavigator just announced they are working on Robot Jet Action for the Amiga. Not much is known just yet, but there is a new teaser video and a small amount of info shared.

-Super early development stage
-Final game title still to be decided
-Release date not decided yet – will take some time for sure
-5 years old code resurrected and adapted in 2023
-Will work on every Amiga in 50 FPS! (512kb+512kb)
-100+ colours on screen with copper effects
-Developed in Blitz Basic 2 + M68k Assembly
-Temporarily used music by Lizard aka Magnar of Censor Design and Nah-Kolor

We will be keeping a close eye on development for this game, in the meantime check out the video. Source:

The Chaos Engine on the Commodore 64?

Some interesting new updates from Marv today over on Twitter. If you don’t know who Marv is, then you’re in for a real treat! This talented chap has decided to create a Commodore 64 version of the classic Amiga game The Chaos Engine, and boy is it looking good so far! Below is the latest tweet update, showing some gameplay and a fantastic SID rendition of the The Chaos Engine theme. It’s early days, but were keeping our fingers crossed that this will eventually turn into a full game release, how cool would that be!

Twitter: @MoreC64

Super Bagman Arcade to Amiga Conversion Coming

Jotd over on English Amiga Board recently announced he’s working on another Arcade to Amiga conversion. This time he has chosen Super Bagman, a Labyrinth/Maze Arcade game from 1984 by Stern Electronics. Your character is a robber. Run around a mine collecting moneybags and depositing them in a wheelbarrow at the top of the screen. Climb ladders and ride elevators to avoid two angry miners. Grab pickaxes and other objects to temporarily stun your pursuers.

Here’s what Jotd had to say. “Converted from the original Z80 disassembly from the Arcade game, this Bagman follow up has 5 screens instead of 3 and difficulty went from “hard” to “brutal” in the process. There are strategies to complete the first level, though, I did that a few years ago. No playable version released yet, just a video.”

Bagman Arcade Amiga Remake Final Version Released

Bagman is an Arcade game released by Valadon Automation in 1982.
The objective of the game is to manoeuvre the bagman through various mine shafts, picking up money bags and placing them in a wheelbarrow at the surface of the mine. The player must avoid pursuing guards, moving ore carts, and descending elevators. The player may temporarily stun the guards by striking them with a pickaxe or by dropping money bags on them when they are below the player on the same ladder. The player may move between the three screens which make up the level via shafts and on the surface.

Bagman500 is a very excellent remake by JOTD for your Amiga computer. The final version is now available to download in .adf and .lha format. Source:

Let's go Hopping Mad! Frogger Arcade Final Version Released!

This is a 1:1 Arcade port of the game Frogger by Konami from 1981 for the Amiga 500. The game is written in 68k assembler, based on the original Z80 code. I don't think I need to explain the game, if you've never heard of Frogger, where have you been? Grab the final version below.

Download: frogger.1.0.adf


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